Thursday, May 24, 2007

We Live in Singapura by Hossan Leong

clipped from
 blog it

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



Monday, May 21, 2007


其实,国民服务计划也是愉快的。在那儿,我认识了很多朋友。生死之交呢?就或许称不上了啦。但是至少我们曾经互相扶持,相依为命。but this is only applicable to some of us. 这是因为华人当中,自私自利的很多个,愿意伸出援手的屈指可数。我较好的朋友有骆庭裕、叶家维、张泳伦、许志坚、谢棕菘、孙伟亮、骆俊宏、ming shen、ming cai、jia yong、 kai xian、 wei hao、 wan ling、 xin jie、 zen ling、 pei shan、 rui fang、zul(睡我床边的那个马来朋友。讲实话,他真的很照顾我。虽然他抽烟,但是他很友善,很愿意帮助别人。)apih(跟我同房的那个吉兰丹马来人。他很好。他跟zul一样都是好的马来人。他有很强的宗教观念,是我们营地company alfa 的ustaz)、Nathan(跟我较友好的印度人。也是好人一 个。他在元宵节那晚,跳的印度舞很geng!) below are some of my memories in ns camp.

me and ah Teh (zhen4 ji2)

from left: wei hao, ming cai, me, jia yong, wing loon, ting yu and zong song

from left: wei hao, me(in red), wing loon, eujeen, kai xian, ju4 ren2, ah Teh

xin jie, wan ling, jun hong, ah Teh

the difference between polishing and not doing it at all...

zong song, wing loon, jian wen, jia yong, eujeen, me

by the way, that malay girl below there, we never invited her for this photo shoot. she is like so thick faced!!! (thicker than the Great Wall of China)

posing in Wirajaya

far right is zhong wei

isn't apih cute? hello kitty! wan ling (right), jun hong (left)

above : suji, lynny, ah wei, xin jie and pei pei (ella)
below : i guess no need me to introduce to you some more gua....

the last night - malam perpisahan (TEMA: SERIBU KENANGAN)

hafiz (blue) and umar(white), the pembahas both from Kela'te'. they were great guys. i love them. will we meet again?

十二生 肖actors: zen ling(pink)& xin jie as 宫 女
yue ling(black) as cat
ming cai(yellow) as monkey
me, the main character as pig
zong song as chicken
jia wei as goat
jia yong (the not-so-thin one) as ... snake???
zhi jian as dragon
jun jie as rabbit
eujeen as tiger
jun hong as cow
wing loon as mouse
eng seng as the palace officer
ah Teh as Jade Emperor

hui shan posing with the lion

wei liang (from heng ee) and me
tino, jack, me, zhi jian

me, kai xian, hui shan, ting yu

me, zhi jian and yue ling
me and ming cai (pig and monkey)

佛 学 院 -国 民 服 务 计 划 男 佛 教 学 员 全 体 合 照

理 佛 -“ 南无本师释迦牟尼佛。 。 。 阿 弥 陀 佛 ”

唱 佛 宝 歌 -worship Buddha


人天長夜宇宙黮闇誰啟以光明 ?


大悲大智大雄力南無佛陀耶 !


今乃知唯此是真正昄依處 ,


珍 惜 在 佛 学 院 的 最 后 时 光

享 用 佛 学 院 的 美 味 素 食 (说 真 的 , 佛 学 院 为 我 们 所 准 备 的点 心 味 道 还 真 不 错 ! )

the last day on bus together with all the buddhist members

11.03.07 -going back...

天下无不散的宴席。此时此刻,大家分离了,又何时能够再次相见呢?就算见面了,大家是否能 够像从前一 样,如此滔滔不绝,接一连二的话题?古人有言:有缘千里能相见,无缘对面不相 逢。

Saturday, May 19, 2007



Sunday, May 13, 2007


finally i got my JPA, and it's the course i wanted, MEDICINE...but it's in ....indonesia??? i don't know whether to feel happy or not. my grandma and auntie have been so excited imagining me finally given an oppertunity to further my tertiary education in the prestigious Ireland or Australia, or maybe worse come to worst, India, at least it's still better than Indonesia by at least, i don't know...a hundred times? to look on the positive side of it, i am one of the 180 non-malays in malaysia being selected for this JPA scholarship and obtaining this notoriously popular course desired by students from all over the country who always counted on JPA scholarship to realise their dreams of becoming a doctor. people surrounding me are saying that i am so fortunate to be selected, that i am so lucky to get my dream course. honestly, i think i should be feeling that way, but ironically i don't, not at all. should i be grateful to the government for reserving a place for me? i guess not especially when the situation now is some "people" with lousier results than mine actually manage to secure a place in ireland, australia, india.... this is so unfair. but, you know what, the world is never fair. remember how our parents always urge us to be fair to others? it's so unrealistic. you want to kesian others? kesian yourselve first la!